
Posting Jobs in the URMIA Career Center


Image of Ronna Papesh, URMIABy Ronna Papesh, Database & Website Administrator, URMIA. Updated July 2023.

Wide Exposure

URMIA's Career Center is a fantastic resource for posting job openings in higher education risk management. While we welcome institutional job postings on the URMIAnetwork, such messages are only seen "in the moment" by URMIA members. The URMIA Career Center gives your job postings long-term exposure to a wider audience resulting in healthy pools of qualified applicants. Among the many tools provided in the URMIA Career Center, you have a powerful search engine and numerous sharing options at your fingertips.

Find the Career Center listed under the Services menu on the URMIA website or at

Create an Employer Account

The only trick to posting in the URMIA Career Center is to first create an "employer account." This is separate from your URMIAnetwork account.

Click on the Post a Job button on the Career Center home page, then choose Sign-In or Create Account. Follow the prompts to create your new employer account and post a job at a member discount. Find qualified personnel with this powerful URMIA member benefit!
Menu selection for signing in to job posting account

URMIA Career Center


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