
URMIA’s Peer Review Service Puts URMIA to Work for You


Tap into the expertise of an outside, objective perspective to review your institution’s risk management program.        5/17/2021

What Is URMIA’s Peer Review Service?

Did you know URMIA offers the only peer review service exclusively dedicated to higher education risk management? URMIA’s Peer Review Service is designed for institutions of higher education, conducted by institutions of higher education. It harnesses the expertise of our members to help you assess and improve upon your institution’s risk management program.

URMIA’s interactive approach partners you with a team of highly experienced URMIA members who will collaborate with you to benchmark against similar institutions and recommend best practices. Are you interested in evaluating your enterprise risk management program structure? Do you need assistance reviewing your risk assessment and identification processes? Are you exploring how your staffing, communication methods, or risk reporting processes could be improved? The scope of each review is completely unique and built to address the needs of your risk management department and institution.

Learn more by listening to the recent URMIA Matters podcast, where Robin Oldfield, University of Dayton and Mark Anderson, University of Pittsburgh share their experiences harnessing the power of the URMIA Peer Review Service within their own programs.

How Does It Work?

URMIA’s step-by-step process includes:

  • Jointly establishing the project’s scope, timing, and expectations
  • Requests for, and review of, a wide variety of documents from your campus
  • On-site visit and/or virtual meetings with campus leaders
  • Discussion of preliminary findings with campus leadership designees
  • Written full or summary report (as requested)

How Do I Get Started?

While this service is available to all institutions of higher education, URMIA members enjoy preferential pricing. Please contact the URMIA National Office to learn more and get started.

Interested in Becoming a Peer Reviewer?

Apply today to be considered for our elite URMIA Peer Review Service team! URMIA institutional and retiree members are eligible to help us provide this valuable service. Find out more on the Team Member Application.

“I encourage everyone to consider becoming a peer reviewer. Not only do you assist a colleague in enhancing their risk management program, but it allows you to learn from them and perhaps enhance your own program as well. URMIA makes it super easy and takes care of all of the administrative aspects—all you have to do is listen, learn and provide feedback. The time commitment is absolutely manageable, and it’s always fun to learn about what takes place at other universities. It was an amazing experience, and I would not hesitate to do it again. Do it! You won’t regret it!”
Marjorie F. B. Lemmon, DRM, ARM, CPCU</br /> Risk Manager, Yale University


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