By Cathie T. Chancellor, JD, MS, CRM, Risk Management Consultant, Cleveland State University (Inter-University Council Insurance Consortium).
URMIA Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee Blasts are briefings designed to give you the basic facts about a wide variety of legislation and regulations that may have an impact on risk management at your institution. This Blast focuses on the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect May 25, 2018.
By Joe DesPlaines, Business Continuity and Crisis Response Consultant, Districts Mutual Insurance/Wisconsin Technical Colleges.
Given recent crisis events, especially those involving active threat situations, we all seem to be much more sensitive to the possibility of a malicious act. We spend a great deal of time and resources creating proactive risk mitigation strategies and reactive crisis response procedures. We do all we can to build "harder targets," but to a great extent we have not encouraged our staff, faculty and students to practice a very effective method for risk reduction: situational awareness.
By David A. Tweedy, CMC, Director of RMIS Consulting, Bickmore Risk Services.
One of the biggest challenges facing risk managers with limited budgets is how to get the best out of their risk management information system (RMIS). Many times, that means using the RMIS provided at little charge by your insurer or third-party administrator (TPA), the so-called bundled system. Roughly two-thirds of the respondents in the recently released 2018 RMIS Report (the latest comprehensive review and comparison of over 20 RMIS systems and providers) utilize a bundled system.
URMIA's Communications Committee invites you to meet Matt Tuttle, MBA, ARM, university risk specialist at the University of Utah and co-chair of the 2018 Annual Conference Committee.
By Lou Drapeau, ARM, Resource Manager, URMIA.
Each month, we highlight some of the latest risk management resources, upcoming events, webinars, conferences and other learning opportunities for you or your campus colleagues. This month, resources include helpful information on the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), campus safety, free speech and the campus workplace.
European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) resources
- Webinar: "GDPR: Privacy and Emerging International Risks," URMIA, April 27, 2018. This webinar discusses how to prepare for the implementation of the European Union GDPR, which goes into effect May 25. Subscribe to URMIA's YouTube channel to see content as it is added.
- "Identify and Resolve Gaps in Your Enterprise’s GDPR Readiness," Information Systems Audit and Control Association and Capability Maturity Model Integration (ISACA-CMMI). This free tool provides users with a roadmap for GDPR implementation based on the answers to a series of questions/statements. The resulting customized assessment offers insights as to where your organization should focus its data protection efforts.
- "European Rules (and Big Fines) for American Colleges," Inside Higher Ed. This article provides a deeper look at the GDPR's potential impact specifically on US institutions of higher education.
- "4 Data Issues to Act on Now, as GDPR Looms," Associations Now. While focused on association management, the four key takeaways from this article are applicable to a variety of institution types. The key warning: leaders must recognize that GDPR is not just an "IT problem."
- GDPR Data Mapping Vendor, URMIA All Members Community discussion. This informative thread provides timely advice on data mapping from one of our members, Susan Bodin, Loyola University Chicago.