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Getting to Know You: Michelle Smith

By Michelle J. Smith, CAE posted 05-29-2019 10:27 AM


Get to know URMIA’s new senior director of events and what she’s looking forward to at our 50th annual conference.        5/29/2019

Michelle: A Lifetime Event Planner

Name:  Michelle Smith

Title:  Senior Director of Events

Organization:  URMIA (since April 2019)

Years in association work:  I have 13 years as a staffer, but I’ve been a volunteer in associations all my professional career!

What are you responsible for at URMIA?  I’m excited to work on the annual conference, the regional conferences around the country, webinars, and potentially podcasts.

Hometown:  Greencastle, Indiana

Alma Mater:  Indiana University-Bloomington

Degrees/certifications:  BA in Public and Environmental Affairs. Previously held CMP and CHSP certifications for the meetings and hospitality industries.

What do you like best about planning and working at conferences?  I like supporting the work of the volunteers.

What is the most challenging thing that ever happened at a conference you were running?  Well, not to scare anyone, but the Boston power outage in 2012 was the most memorable for me. The hotel was limited to one guest elevator to serve all 39 floors. All pre-conference and leadership team meetings occurred under limited power sources, and we used flashlights and glow sticks in the hotel rooms. There was one very busy outlet with lots of power strips near the elevator bank that become a camp of sorts. Luckily, the power came back on just at the start of the main conference day.

What prepared you best in life for planning/running a conference?  I watched my mom manage it all while working full-time. I realized that whether you are moving from one place to another or planning your family’s weekly schedule, you are managing a project. Meeting planning is much like project management with a little more flair. I’m excited to jump into the planning that has been going on for several months and help bring home a strong conference experience for URMIA members.

What’s a fun fact about you?  I’m a baseball widow. My husband is a huge Cubs fan. Luckily, I know the game, as I played a lot of softball as a kid. Beyond that, the experience of visiting the ballpark has a special place in my heart. I’m excited to see Fenway again in September!

What do you think people will like best about the Sheraton Boston Hotel?  I’ve always loved Chicago, but Boston quickly became a favorite after my first visit. The hotel is centrally located in a really fun part of Boston. The historic housing nearby (check out Newbury Street, also known for shopping and dining) is really interesting, and I’m fascinated by the Copley Square area, where they were able to put new architecture like “the Pru” right alongside the beautiful Boston Public Library, built in the late 1800s. If you get a chance to visit the library, don’t miss the magnificent McKim Building. For more fun, get out to Boylston Street, which has tons of landmarks.

What is the URMIA annual conference special event that you are most excited about?  If I must pick just one, I’d say the closing event at the JFK Library. The library setting itself is incredible. The exhibits offer a lot of information and insight I hadn’t considered before my first visit, and the space at night is breathtaking.

What’s your favorite book or movie?  I love movies! For me, movies (like books) allow you to get lost in someone else’s story for a few hours. Sometimes it’s just pure comedic relief after a long day. My favorite movie has always been Out of Africa.

What else do you want members to know about you?  I’m a middle child and people pleaser, so taking care of members at conferences is my zone! My sister calls me “Julie McCoy” (the clipboard-holding activities director from The Love Boat) because I tend to plan every minute of the day, especially on family vacations.

What do your friends and family think you do in a workday or at a conference?  My family thinks that I “throw parties” for a living.

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