The Power of Sponsorship

Sponsorships within URMIA are a partnership connecting those with the solutions to higher education risk management issues and challenges to the risk managers on campus charged with finding the best solutions to what higher education is facing on any given day. That’s the power of URMIA sponsorship opportunities.

Why Become a Sponsor?

URMIA is the only association dedicated solely to higher education risk management. As an URMIA sponsor, you can:

  • Connect directly with an audience of higher education risk management professionals
  • Communicate your message to those who need your products and services
  • Build brand awareness
  • Cultivate customer relationships
  • Share your commitment to higher education risk management

Opportunities Abound

URMIA offers a wide range of sponsorship opportunities to fit every budget. Support for the organization’s annual and regional conferences are the most popular with many sponsors returning year after year. The opportunities are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Commit early to guarantee your spot!



Affiliate Membership

Sponsorship opportunities are available to all organizations, and those choosing to become Affiliate members maximize their experience and exposure within URMIA.



Member Institutions by Size

140 institutions with 14k+ students, 173 institutions with 4-14k students, 114 institutions with 2-4k students, 83 institutions with <2k students, 18 international institutions, 76 systems