ARM 402 Course - Successfully Treating Risk (5-week program)

When:  May 7, 2024 from 08:30 PM to 10:00 PM (ET)

Interested in earning the Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation, but don't know where to start or don't want to study on your own? To achieve your ARM designation, you must complete three core courses with an exam and an ethics exam:

ARM 400 – Risk in an Evolving World

ARM 401 – Holistically Assessing Risk

ARM 402 – Successfully Treating Risk

URMIA members can take advantage of a virtual study program: a 5-week program for the ARM402 course that is part of the credential curriculum taking place on Tuesday and Thursday nights. The sessions will be recorded. Erike Young, risk manager at CIRA, who has taught the ARM courses for many years, will be your instructor.

ARM 402 shares strategies for developing cutting-edge strategies to treat organizational risks. You'll gain skills that will enable you to use advanced techniques to avoid, retain, and transfer risk.  

There is no cost for the class, but you will be responsible for the fee for the ARM materials ($365 for the online textbook and $225 for the exam).

Interested students may register here.  

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Erike Young