My URMIAnetwork

The URMIAnetwork is a collection of online communities hosted by University Risk Management and Insurance Association.  Members of URMIA can use the URMIAnetwork to participate in online discussions, share and see resources in the community library, and connect with other members of the community.


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  • We use SkillSoft and Percipio, as well. David Parker, ARM , CPM ®, CCEP , IPMA-SCP , ERM Fellow Executive Director, Enterprise Risk Management, ...

  • Good morning, Andrew. We've only had discussions as we don't currently anticipate travel there, but there are to primary considerations: A separate ...

  • URMIA Updates

    And the Survey Says... It doesn't look like most higher ed risk managers are retiring anytime soon. We got a 17% response rate to our survey (thanks for ...

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