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  • Nate, I think you're right on the money with the top-down AND bottom-up risk assessment approach. It's always interesting to hear what folks across the university know that leadership may not. We're updating our ERM process and plan to utilize both ...

  • Hello URMIA Members, On July's Water Cooler Discussion, the topic of golf cart safety training came up and questions were asked about what institutions do for training safety. Attendees shared several resources and tips and we wanted to share them with ...

  • Hi Michele, We don't host anything similar here, but growing up, I participated annually in an event like this. I think how you tackle this from a risk perspective depends on what the event will look like. In the events I attended, we were provided ...

  • Kate, We have to allow student drivers for a variety of reasons! To be a certified driver they have to be a minimum of 18 with at least two years of verifiable driving experience via MVR. If they travel outside our county region they are required ...

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    URMIA Updates

    URMIA's Election Opens August 1 The designated voting members of URMIA's organizational members received information last week regarding the opportunity to name a proxy vote in this year's election. A voting member may choose to name a proxy vote if ...


  • New Volunteer Opportunities Posted

    URMIA has some new volunteer opportunities posted - can you help? The new postings are of short duration and something you can do as your schedule permits. 

  • Don't Miss: Effective Risk Governace Webinar Series

    Our four-part webinar series - free to URMIAns - focuses on how colleges and universities are/should be revisiting risk management practices and effective governance structures. Check out the events on URMIA's professional development event calendar for more information and registration details. 

  • Join Us in New Orleans or Virtually

    So much learning (and networking) happens at an URMIA annual conference - don't miss out! Attend the event in New Orleans or from your desktop (4 colleagues can join you as part of your virtual registration fee). Check out our 8 tracks of sessions + more on other risk management topics.

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