Mary C. Dewey, CPCU, ARM, CIC, DRM, is a senior consultant/practice leader with Marsh Risk Advisory Services, serving higher education and public school clients. She joined Marsh in February 2021. Prior to this position, she was the Director of Risk Management & Safety at the University of Vermont for over 30 years, where she led comprehensive risk management program for occupational health and safety, fire and life safety, environmental health and safety, property protection, fleet safety, emergency preparedness, and safety compliance. Her office is also managed the university property and casualty insurance program, administration of workers' compensation, and claims management. Mary is past president of the University Risk Management and Insurance Association (URMIA), past member of the URMIA board of directors, and past president of the Vermont Chapter of CPCU. In 2003, she received the Distinguished Risk Manager (DRM) award from URMIA. In addition, from 2010-2012 she served as president of Pinnacle Consortium of Higher Education, a reciprocal risk retention group comprised of 17 higher education institutions. She has been a speaker at various conferences and workshops on topics such as Enterprise Risk Management and risk financing fundamentals. Prior to UVM, Mary worked for five years as a risk management consultant for municipalities and public school systems. She has earned the professional designations of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU), Associate in Risk Management (ARM), and Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC), and earned her BA from the University of Vermont in Russian and Eastern European studies. She also studied for a summer in the former Soviet Union.