- Those in URMIA’s leadership positions determine the strategic direction for the association and develop pathways to achieve the goals that advance the discipline of higher ed risk management.
• Serve as a standing or special committee chair, vice-chair, or member for the association:
Finance Committee - Makes appropriate recommendations regarding the organization's financial position, maintains the financial policies and procedures, and interacts with the organization's CPA firm

Leadership Development Committee - Solicits nominations for president-elect and board of directors members and prepares a ballot for membership vote

International Committee - Identifies opportunities for increased education and collaboration regarding global risk management practices to benefit URMIA members

Affiliates Committee - Guides affiliate members' efforts to contribute to the organization's mission and be resources for URMIA's institutional members 
Honors Committee - Reviews critieria and submissions for URMIA's awards, solicits nominations annualy, and recommends any changes to the current award program

= opportunity for URMIA Institutional Members
= opportunity for URMIA Affiliate Members
- Members interested in collaborating to create member experiences such as events.
= opportunity for URMIA Institutional Members
= opportunity for URMIA Affiliate Members